商品コード: ISBN4-7603-0079-1 C3545 \40000E


40,000円    (税込:44,000円)

新刊書籍目録 > データベース

約6千種類にのぼる日本産植物の和名、学名、漢名[漢字名]、別名、英語名、仏語名、独語名が対照できる完璧な辞典。学名、漢名(漢字名)、別名、英語名、 仏語名、独語名などからも検索可能。


*Shokubutsu Wamei Gakumei Taisho Jiten【1992 Han】: Collative Dictionary between Japanese Names and Scientific Names of Plants in Japan【1992 Edition】
〈Published at 1992 April〉

Edited by The Society for the Study in the History of Botany
A4 size, 688 pages, average binding with case
○This dictionary can collate the names of Japanese Pseudonym, Scientific, Chinese, Chinese Characters, English, French and German names with Japanese names on approximately beyond from 6 thousand Japanese native plants. And, You can research in the opposite way.[ISBN4-7603-0079-1 C3545 \40000E]Price 40,000 Japanese Yen
  • 数量:

*Shokubutsu Wamei Gakumei Taisho Jiten【1992 Han】:

*Shokubutsu Wamei Gakumei Taisho Jiten【1992 Han】: Collative Dictionary between Japanese Names and Scientific Names of Plants in Japan【1992 Edition】
〈Published at 1992 April〉

Edited by The Society for the Study in the History of Botany
A4 size, 688 pages, average binding with case
○This dictionary can collate the names of Japanese Pseudonym, Scientific, Chinese, Chinese Characters, English, French and German names with Japanese names on approximately beyond from 6 thousand Japanese native plants. And, You can research in the opposite way.[ISBN4-7603-0079-1 C3545 \40000E]Price 40,000 Japanese Yen

